Mindy at FMH gets the award two weeks in a row with her WoW-based flogging. We predict she will make it a trifecta next week and do a post on Blacks and the Priesthood or perhaps Polygamy, or maybe Black Priesthood holding Polygamist's Wives Who Struggle with SSA...and the mothers who love them. Jerry Springer calling.T&S also had a good showing of Trigger filets in threes with Julie saddling up on her favorite old nag, Women and the Priesthood! Rosalynde takes up the challenge with a lady-like poke in the eye. Julie's exceptional capacity for denial and intimate familiarity with cognitive dissonance resulted in a predictable response wherein she refuses to admit she is wrong. Oh, yeah, and she wants a Niblet for cutting and pasting an old e-mail conversation and adding a little bit of new text. Niblet for what? Best Left Overs? Natch, Mr. Original follows suit and posts on the very same subject for a T&S trifecta! That sure isn't "eating meat sparingly" you permabores. You all need to repent of breaking the Word of Wisdom admonition and lay off the bakinu!
[7/14/2006 06:32:00 AM
The T&S posts have at least confirmed that JMS' hubby presides over the laptop computer.
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