Rabid Dan just can't lay off the smack. Three days into his week-long fasting from politics on his own blog he is just doing it on a different blog. Dan, Dan, Dan, if there is "nothing enjoyable about it" then why can't you stop? Because you have a problem. The solution is obvious: The 12 Step Approach to Politics. Give it a shot, Dan. For yourself, for your family, for the Bloggernacle. Please.
[10/30/2007 05:16:00 AM
Woohoo, I get more readership! :)
Dan thegooddemocrat will never stop preaching the Gospel of Socialism. Everyone should be forced to give to the needy, just like Christs...no, wait... Lucifers plan.
Like Nick Literski, that preacher of the Gay Gospel, he's going to spread that message anywhere there's an audience, willing or not, regardless of pertinence to the discussion.
(I know that in this case it was actually asked for.)
Oh, Daniel, come on, the real reason you gave up on politics for a week is because the Republican party is so powerful and brilliant you cannot withstand their enlightened luminosity. Your faith in the Democratic party has waivers in the face of Mitt's and Rudy's oratorial prowess. Admit it, you are going to vote Republican this November, because the War on Terror and the Surge are going so well, and George W. Bush is a political genius.
well Mr. Snarkimus Man, we have been told that in the last days there would be many who would call evil good, wrong right, etc. Thanks for fulfilling prophecy. :)
(and this comment was purely religious in nature) ;)
PS: I must say, you're either getting really bored, or T&S and BCC are not giving you enough meat for you to pick off the bones of a smaller carcass like my blog.
While mostly wrong, you are partly correct in that your blog is a carcass to pick over.
Actually, Dan, you are such a huge Bloggernacle troll, and T&S and BCC have been behaving themselves, that your swearing off politics for a week is big news because it means anyone anywhere in the Bloggernacle can post on a political topic without fear of you hijacking it with your wacky hijinks. If I were a BCC or T&S permerbore, I would soooooo be posting on political stuff this week since you have exiled yourself to the shadows. But, then again, you haven't really, since you already broke your word on FMH, and would likely break it on BCC and T&S as well. I guess the Bloggernacle is just too cynical to believe you are capable of swearing off politics for a full week, and your recent comments at FMH bear their cynicism well.
since you speak for the Bloggernacle.
just want to add, keep talking about me. The more you talk about me, the more of your readers check out my blog.
SP- when are you going to realize that you are hurting real people, people who should be your brothers and sisters?
Fine with me, since then they will realize who you are when you troll their blog.
Anonymous "cmoore",
When are you going to realize you are defending people who are hurting real people who should be their brothers and sisters. The people you are defending are irresponsible self-promoting jerks. Kind of like Dan here, who loves to threadjack, cast wild accusations and generally act like a troll.
Yes, but their stated intention, unlike yours, is not to hurt others. For the most part, I think it is unintentional- kind of like Michael Scott.
You, on the other hand, are vicious, eager to barrel into others and cut them down for the slightest perceived offense.
So I say again- you are hurting real people, and you are not very funny. I do not see how you can answer the TR questions honestly and gain admittance to what you believe is the Lord's house. Holiness to the Lord!
Anonymous, unless you are SP's bishop you have no business bringing up his temple recommend. Besides, 'brutally honest' is honest, no?
Dan is a troll and threadjacker all over the naccle anyway. It also seems a little disingenuous to say he won't post on the political on his blog just to spend more time spewing his own gospel at the blogs of others.
It also seems a little disingenuous to say he won't post on the political on his blog just to spend more time spewing his own gospel at the blogs of others.
Because I'm spending soooo much time posting all over the bloggernacle. I surely must have commented somewhere on BCC. Maybe Mormon Mentality? T&S?
I agree with anonymous. Snarkman is really not that funny. he's lost his taste for proper humor and right now acts more like a loser who can't get into the real game so he pecks like a hyena at those above him. It's pretty sad actually.
When are you going to realize you are defending people who are hurting real people who should be their brothers and sisters. The people you are defending are irresponsible self-promoting jerks.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Sounds like you're pretty desperate for readers Dan. And what's the deal with swearing off politics? When you have a blog name like "the good democrat" politics is pretty much your raison d'etre. It would be like FMH swearing off sex.
The amazing amount of unself-awareness needed to post that "Pot. Kettle. Black." comment shows just how amazingly and mind-boggingly un-self-aware Dan is. The man has no self-awareness at all. I especially love it when he spends time insisting he is a moderate who thinks freely. I have yet to see an original or moderate thought from the mother of all thought controlled Democrats on the web.
Besides, Dan is troll, as has been pointed out. They aren't worth discussing. Except I just did. Damn! He caught me in his trap!
To Dan,
Do yourself, your wife, your daughter, and the rest of us a favor. Swear off politics forever. You'll be happier, your family will be happier, and the bloggernacle will be happier. Thank you.
Snarkman and the rest of you who attack me have shown your true colors. Instead of actually being pleased that I take this break, you chide me for fairly mild comments on FHM. Why? What purpose does it serve? Does it make someone like me more willing to let go of discussing politics? Does it make someone like me think more highly of you?
You have shown your true colors. You are lower men. Mr. Snarkman, you truly are a piece of trash, worth nothing more than to be discarded like last night's garbage.
No, I certainly shan't stop talking politics. Especially not because of these pathetic attempts to convince me that life is better without discussing politics.
You break your own word by discussing politics on another blog, and then fault everyone else for it.
Yes, Dan, you being an obsessive wacko is all my fault for pointing out you are a hypocrite, and not for you actually being a genuine hypocrite.
Besides, Dan, we all know you have the hots for Condoleza Rice and want to move to Southern Colorado and take her as your second polygamous wife. Your hatred of all things Republican is only a result of her returning all your love letters unopened.
I used to read Dan's stuff. After about a week, I got really sick. Dan is a simple librarian who surfs the Internet all day and who worries about boosting his readership. I wonder if he was very liked in school. He reminds me of Snivelus (Snape).
I don't even think he has a link in the Archepelago which is what he deeply desires.
And lastly, "shan't"? Is that his way of trying to use big words? I've not seen the word shan't since I was in a college English class.
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