When she isn't yelling at him and throwing his research material away, BiV is blogging about how she has the hots for a "Centrum Stud." Wow, Dr. B., what kind of unpleasant inferences can be drawn from that? Eew. No wonder the guy spends so much time searching for mission quotes and posting them on his blog. Who can hold a candle to such a crusty old geezer as this Pulitzer Prize winning spinner of tawdry grandfatherly wisdom? Maybe Dr. B can pound some Ensure, and muster up the courage to write about dusty floors, silent guitars, dried up flowers and old women feeding corn to chickens. Hawt! Good luck with that, Dr. B.
[2/12/2008 09:08:00 AM
In case you are too lazy to read through the first linked post to get to the relevant parts, here are the quotes:
"I figured if Talmage could endure shouting in his marriage than so could I and that my children would turn out fine too. I wonder if some of it has to do with husbands who work a lot." (4th para)
"I collected every article, diary entry of colleagues, or any mention of Talmage that I could find during my research, filling three xerox boxes using BYU, the LDS Church Archives, and the University of Utah. There wasn't any journal, or available diary that I didn't consult. My wife eventually threw it all in a landfill when we lived in California. I had intended to write a book on him." (7th para)
My wife eventually threw it all in a landfill
That post just made me sad.
Imagine how Dr. B felt.
Now somebody is going to find his files in the landfill, write a bio, and NOT mention Dr. B in the acknowledgments. That should give him something to blog about if he ever gets tired of talking about how he didn't get enough credit for the Dew bio of Benson.
Or the teachings of ETB or whatever the heck it was that he got pwned on.
thank you for elucidating the practice of GA's yelling at their spouses. Naturally, if Talmage can do it to his wife, we should all engage in this practice.
oh, and for you fmh womyn, i'm sure ms. talmage yelled back and probably pwnd james e. a time or two. in fact, like dr. b's wife, i'm willing to bet that ms. talmage tossed her husband's writings in the landfill.
go ye therefore and do likewise.
Um, anonymous, if you read the quote in context you will see that is was not Talmage yelling at his wife, but his wife yelling at him and him tolerating it. K? Thx.
"If you read the quote in context you will see that is was not Talmage yelling at his wife, but his wife yelling at him and him tolerating it."
...according to Talmage's own version of events in his journal.
I think it's fairly clear (and they have made public) how toxic their marriage is. It's bad enough to have a crappy relationship. It's unfathomable why you want to play out that crappy relationship on a public stage. That just makes it crappier.
But, hey, people get comfortable with the status quo, and think it's normal to have such a shrieky, unhealthy, vindictive relationship.
And if you ask me, (which no one has) that chick needs some serious meds. Like, yesterday.
Something tells me Dr B needs someone to yell at him. From his latest posting comes this gem:
"I remember an experience back in 1980s when my own brother wanted to go on a mission. He suffered from bedwetting (enuresis). Five percent of all boys suffer from it usually up to the early teens. It is projected that two million Americans suffer at one time or another with this problem. His bedwetting lasted until he was about twenty. He just put a rubber sheet over his matress and lived a normal life otherwise..."
I'll bet his brother appreciates having this info spread on the web.
The man is classy, if nothing else.
EWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Don't talk about my parents like that.
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