Apparently Kristen J has never heard of Benadryl and Geoff J has never heard of a WetVac. How can a family with kids, who babysits no less, not have both of these two life (and carpet) savers on hand?

Me? I am working on patenting a new WetVac attachment in the shape of a child's face mask, so when they look like they are ready to pull a Mt. St. Helens on us, we strap on the face mask and turn on the wet vac. No fuss, no muss. Do have them drink some water first, as that helps things come up easier.


Anonymous said... @ January 10, 2006 at 8:12 AM

Me? I am working on patenting a new WetVac attachment in the shape of a child's face mask


Classic, snarky. Does sounds better than just shouting "Dude, go in the bathroom!"

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