Lager Jager over there at UM wants to make it clear that sexual immorality isn't that big a deal and Church people are all up in arms over nothing since it doesn't really hurt people. Yeah, I totally see what you mean. Abortions, abandoned babies, coerced prostitutes strung out on drugs getting beaten up or murdered by their pimps and johns, adultery and divorce because of wives cheated on and lied to by their gay cowboy husbands, STD/HIV/AIDS, childhood sexual abuse and porn, the eroticism of pre-pubescent girls, body image problems leading to anorexia and bulemia, etc.
Yup, Alma was full of it when he told Corianton that chasing after whores was bad news. And John should be sued for libel for calling Babylon a whore.
[3/14/2006 06:01:00 AM
Is she riding a triceratops?!
Um, well, sort of. Its a multi-headed dragony kind of thing with a fanged triceratops kind of thingy as the main head. A little wierd.
Kind of, um, phallic.
This post has a totally different feel from the last one. This one seems to be written by a woman, and an angry one at that. You go, girl.
Cool picture.
When someone in a Gospel Doctrine class remarked that women with tattoos and piercings are the whore of babylon, Dh leaned over and whispered, "Does this mean you'll be bringing in more cash?"
Couldn't you have found a gal with a few less face lifts? That one has seen better days. Pre-prego Britney, Pamela Sue and their wannabes would make much better WofBs.
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