So the results are in and the Bloggernacle readers generally don't like current events blogging, by a margin of 3:1.
Now, one might argue the results are skewed as the respondents are all SnarkerNacle readers who are naturally a bitter, angry lot. HA! That is where you are wrong! Not about the readers being a bitter, angry lot, but about the respondents. You see, the LDS Patriot took it upon himself to attempt to skew the results by posting the survey on his blog, so his readers would naturally pick the last choice. The sad thing is not even enough of them responded favorably to swamp the cynical SN readers.
So, Patriot and Guy, we expect the two of you to meet in the field of honor with hair trigger pistols sometime soon and do each other in. Quickly. And be smart about it, please.
P.S., one immediate benefit of the survey is LDS Patriots daily posts have gone from 20 to 2. Now if the permabores at T&S could just take a hint and resign themselves from the Bloggernacle the same way DMI Dave has (this is a resignation, right, if all blogging is BS and he has sworn off BS then he must be resigning from blogging. QED), so as to make the Nacle poop-free, then it would really be a garden (complete with deflowers) instead of a cesspool.
[8/15/2006 02:38:00 PM
"So, Patriot and Guy, we expect the two of you to meet in the field of honor with hair trigger pistols sometime soon and do each other...." Better watch out, Midgley might peg you as part of the great gay conspiracy.
Snarkette, you do good work. Not only has ldspatriot submitted to a cease fire, but it has also been at least 48 hours since M & A has posted anything about Mitt Romney.
Truly, this is still a day of miracles. Thank you.
What is truly annoying about LDSPatriot is that he (she???) never responds to comments on the blog. He's too busy posting more clippings.
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